Design & Print in Marden, Kent
Custom Marketing Resources will help you with your design & marketing
Custom Marketing Resources: helping you to help yourself.
Branding that makes you stand out from the crowd
Custom Marketing Resources: helping you to help yourself.
Graphic designers have creative vision not computers
Making Art work is a specialist skill that CMR have
Marketing is how you intend to make a profit.
It is what goes on the printed document that is important
Two packages, each providing good value for money.
Graphic design talent converted for the World Wide Web.
Keep in contact with your customers - potential and existing.
The right photograph makes the difference.
Creative packaging to ensure customers buy your product.
Unusual ideas for unique occasions.
Keep up-to-date with everything that is going on at CMR
Experience pays dividends.
"CMR have provided us with
 10,000 stitch embroidered logo

Creating branding for retail stores is quite different from creating branding for the majority of other businesses. As retail stores develop and grow in strength and size it becomes increasingly expensive to make any changes to the branding image. Massive investments in fleets of vans, store fronts, packaging and even staff uniforms makes sure that client and designer work hard to ensure the brand selected will last as long as possible into the future.

Custom Marketing Resources Contacts

This is the sign outside Beaumont Bed's stores. This branding is one of the longest serving logos designer Alan Reading has ever created. "The day someone doesn't come into a new store opening and tell us how much they like our owl will be the day Alan is asked to start plans for a new Beaumont Beds image" said Beaumont Beds managing director.


It's a big website. Have a good look around!

Custom Marketing Resources will help you with your design & marketing